מיזם הסברה – קרן נפש ברזל

מיזם הסברה – קרן נפש ברזל

Faces of October seventh was established in order to bring to Jewish communities and campuses in North America first-hand testimonies of what happened on October 7, 2023 in Israel. The testimonies are of survivors, families of Kidnapped and families whose loved ones were murdered. The purpose of the project is to fight the denial of the horrific attacks and the widespread legitimacy that Hamas has gained among the American public. Your donation will help us to continue the project by allowing us to fly more speakers, and provide basic living expenses for the speakers while on tour.

Please help us bring testimonies to over 70 campuses and communities across North America!

Dar Halevi Feldman, is a Jewish educator and advocacy activist, with a B.A in communication and political science and a M.A in political science with a specialization in political memory.

The donations will also go towards psychological treatments for the families of victims of terrorism

The program has a lot of demand from survivors of terrorism and the families of the murdered who feel that this is an opportunity to listen and support them.

לתרומות >> https://nefeshbarzel.makshivim-il.org/faces-of-october-seventh/


היי, שמחים להכיר לך את ונצ'י, 
הוא כאן כדי לתת לך מענה מהיר בקו החם שלנו, להקל עליך בפתיחת פנייה, ולמצוא עבורך מענה מתאים. 

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